ml_collections.config_flags package

Config flags module.


config_flags.DEFINE_config_dict(config: ml_collections.config_dict.config_dict.ConfigDict, help_string: str = 'ConfigDict instance.', flag_values: absl.flags._flagvalues.FlagValues = <absl.flags._flagvalues.FlagValues object>, lock_config: bool = True, **kwargs) → absl.flags._flagvalues.FlagHolder

Defines flag for inline ConfigDict’s compatible with absl flags.

Similar to DEFINE_config_file except the flag’s value should be a ConfigDict instead of a path to a file containing a ConfigDict. After the flag is parsed, will contain a reference to the ConfigDict, optionally with some values overridden.

Typical usage example:

from absl import flags

import ml_collections
from ml_collections.config_flags import config_flags

config = ml_collections.ConfigDict({
    'field1': 1,
    'field2': 'tom',
    'nested': {
        'field': 2.23,

config_flags.DEFINE_config_dict('my_config', config)


The following command:

python -- --my_config.field1 8

will print:

field1: 8
field2: tom
nested: {field: 2.1}
  • name – Flag name.
  • configConfigDict object.
  • help_string – Help string to display when –helpfull is called. (default: “ConfigDict instance.”)
  • flag_values – FlagValues instance used for parsing. (default: absl.flags.FLAGS)
  • lock_config – If set to True, loaded config will be locked through calling .lock() method on its instance (if it exists). (default: True)
  • **kwargs – Optional keyword arguments passed to Flag constructor.

a handle to defined flag.


config_flags.DEFINE_config_file(default: Optional[str] = None, help_string: str = 'path to config file.', flag_values: absl.flags._flagvalues.FlagValues = <absl.flags._flagvalues.FlagValues object>, lock_config: bool = True, **kwargs) → absl.flags._flagvalues.FlagHolder

Defines flag for ConfigDict files compatible with absl flags.

The flag’s value should be a path to a valid python file which contains a function called get_config() that returns a python object specifying a configuration. After the flag is parsed, will contain a reference to this object, optionally with some values overridden.

During flags parsing, every flag of form –name.([a-zA-Z0-9]+.?)+=value and -name.([a-zA-Z0-9]+.?)+ value will be treated as an override of a specific field in the config object returned by this flag. Field is essentially a dot delimited path inside the object where each path element has to be either an attribute or a key existing in the config object. For example –my_config.field1.field2=val means “assign value val to the attribute (or key) field2 inside value of the attribute (or key) field1 inside the value of my_config object”. If there are both attribute and key-based access with the same name, attribute is preferred.

Typical usage example:

from absl import flags
from ml_collections.config_flags import config_flags



def get_config():
  return {
      'field1': 1,
      'field2': 'tom',
      'nested': {
          'field': 2.23,

The following command:

python --
                    --my_config.field1 8

will print:

{'field1': 8, 'field2': 'tom', 'nested': {'field': 2.1}}

It is possible to parameterise the get_config function, allowing it to return a differently structured result for different occasions. This is particularly useful when setting up hyperparameter sweeps across various network architectures.

def get_config(config_string):
  possible_configs = {
      'mlp': {
          'constructor': 'snt.nets.MLP',
          'config': {
              'output_sizes': (128, 128, 1),
      'lstm': {
          'constructor': 'snt.LSTM',
          'config': {
              'hidden_size': 128,
              'forget_bias': 1.0,
  return possible_configs[config_string]

If a colon is present in the command line override for the config file, everything to the right of the colon is passed into the get_config function. The following command lines will both function correctly:

python --

python --

The following will produce an error, as the hidden_size flag does not exist when the “mlp” config_string is provided:

python --
  • name – Flag name, optionally including extra config after a colon.
  • default – Default value of the flag (default: None).
  • help_string – Help string to display when –helpfull is called. (default: “path to config file.”)
  • flag_values – FlagValues instance used for parsing. (default: absl.flags.FLAGS)
  • lock_config – If set to True, loaded config will be locked through calling .lock() method on its instance (if it exists). (default: True)
  • **kwargs – Optional keyword arguments passed to Flag constructor.

a handle to defined flag.

Additional Methods

ml_collections.config_flags.config_flags.is_config_flag(flag) Returns True iff flag is an instance of _ConfigFlag.
ml_collections.config_flags.config_flags.GetValue(…) Gets value of a single field.
ml_collections.config_flags.config_flags.GetType(…) Gets type of field in config described by a dotted delimited path.
ml_collections.config_flags.config_flags.GetTypes(…) Gets types of fields in config described by dotted delimited paths.
ml_collections.config_flags.config_flags.SetValue(…) Sets value of a single field.